
14th January Prayer

The Endless Goodness of God

God is good. All the time. All the time. God is good.

O Lord, You have searched me out and known me; You know my sitting down and my rising up; You discern my thoughts from afar. You mark out my journeys and my resting place And are acquainted with all my ways.

Gracious Father, in every season and every moment, Your goodness flows like an endless river. When morning breaks and when evening falls, When my heart soars and when my spirit struggles, You remain unchanging in Your perfect love.

You know the rhythm of my days, The dreams that stir within my heart, The fears that whisper in the night, And the hopes that light my path ahead. Before a word forms on my tongue, You have known it completely, Lord.

In the chaos and in the quiet, In celebration and in sorrow, In success and in failure, Your presence never wavers. Your hand guides me forward, Your wisdom lights my way.

When I wander, You find me. When I stumble, You steady me. When I fall, You lift me. When I rejoice, You celebrate with me. In every breath and every step, Your goodness surrounds me.

Let me never forget this truth: That You are good when skies are clear, And You are good when storms rage. You are good in abundance, And You are good in want. You are good in every season of my life.

For Your knowledge of me is a comfort, Your presence is my strength, Your goodness is my song. In every moment, in every place, You are there, constant and true.

God is good. All the time. All the time. God is good.
