The Gift of Dawn
Dear Lord
As we rejoice in the gift of this new day,
So may the light of Your presence, O God,
Set our hearts on fire with love for You;
Now and forever.
Gracious Creator of each dawn,
With the first rays of morning light,
You paint hope across the awakening sky,
Reminding us of Your faithful promises.
Each sunrise whispers of Your grace,
Each new day sings of Your mercy.
In the quiet moments of daybreak,
When the world slowly stirs to life,
Fill our hearts with wonder at Your glory,
Ignite our souls with passionate purpose,
Let Your love flow through every heartbeat,
And Your wisdom guide every step we take.
As flowers turn their faces to the sun,
May our spirits turn always toward You.
In the brilliant light of morning,
In the soft glow of afternoon,
In the fading embers of evening,
Let Your presence be our constant joy.
Lord of every moment,
Kindle within us a flame that never dims,
A love that never falters,
A faith that never wavers,
A hope that never fades,
A joy that never ends.
May this day be more than hours passing,
More than tasks completed,
More than routines followed.
Let it be a symphony of praise to You,
A testament to Your endless grace,
A reflection of Your perfect love.
As the day unfolds before us,
Like pages of an unwritten book,
Guide our thoughts, our words, our deeds,
Until every moment becomes a prayer,
Every action an expression of worship,
Every breath a whisper of gratitude.
Set our hearts ablaze with Your divine love,
Now and forevermore,
Until time itself fades into eternity,
And every day becomes an endless dawn
In Your glorious presence.