A Devotional Prayer for Christ’s Transforming Strength
Holy Spirit, come into my heart; Draw it to Yourself by Your mighty power, O my God. Like a compass needle seeking true north, Let my soul be constantly pulled toward Your presence. Grant me charity born of filial fear, A love that flows from deep reverence for You.
Preserve me, O beautiful love, From every evil thought that seeks to take root. Guard my mind like a careful gardener, Pulling weeds before they can flourish, Planting instead the seeds of Your truth, Watering them with Your living water.
Warm me with Your divine presence, Inflame me with Your dear love, Until every fiber of my being Burns with holy passion for Your kingdom. Let every pain seem light to me, Transformed by the fire of Your love.
My Father, my sweet Lord, Be present in all my actions. Guide each step I take, Inspire each word I speak, Direct each choice I make, Until my life becomes a reflection of Your grace.
When my strength fails, Be my unwavering support. When my faith wavers, Be my steady anchor. When my love grows cold, Be my rekindling flame.
Jesus, love, Jesus, love, Let Your name be my constant prayer. Like breath flowing through my body, Let Your love flow through my spirit. Like blood coursing through my veins, Let Your strength sustain my soul.
Transform my weakness into strength, My fear into courage, My doubt into faith, My hesitation into purpose, Until I stand complete in You, Fully embraced by Your perfect love.
For You are my strength, My shield, my defender, My hope, my joy, my peace, My all in all. Jesus, love, Jesus, love, Now and forevermore.