Prayer for Light on the Path of Life
O Lord, my Divine Shepherd,
You who are the Eternal Light that no darkness can overcome,
Shine Your wisdom upon my path,
That I may walk in the way of truth and righteousness.
When I stand at the crossroads of uncertainty,
Grant me the grace to hear Your voice,
Speaking softly within my soul,
Guiding me toward Your perfect will.
Teach me, O Lord, to seek not my own understanding,
But to trust in the wisdom that flows from Your heart.
Let my choices reflect Your love,
And my steps be firm upon the foundation of Your truth.
Dispel the clouds of doubt that shadow my mind,
Banish the fear that trembles within me,
And fill my spirit with the courage
To follow where You lead, even when the way is unknown.
Holy Spirit, Counselor and Comforter,
Bestow upon me discernment in all things.
Let my words be gentle, my actions just,
And my heart ever attuned to the whisper of Your grace.
Blessed Mother, Seat of Wisdom,
Intercede for me, that I may imitate your trust,
Holding fast to the knowledge
That God’s plan is always greater than my own.
O Lord, be my Light,
My Guide, my Wisdom, my Strength.
In You alone do I place my trust,
Now and forever.