
Psalms – Chapter 16

Books of The Bible / Book of Psalms

1 [In a quiet voice Of David] Protect me, O God, in you is my refuge.

2 To Yahweh I say, ‘You are my Lord, my happiness is in none

3 of the sacred spirits of the earth.’ They only take advantage of all who love them.

4 People flock to their teeming idols. Never shall I pour libations to them! Never take their names on my lips.

5 My birthright, my cup is Yahweh; you, you alone, hold my lot secure.

6 The measuring-line marks out for me a delightful place, my birthright is all I could wish.

7 I bless Yahweh who is my counsellor, even at night my heart instructs me.

8 I keep Yahweh before me always, for with him at my right hand, nothing can shake me.

9 So my heart rejoices, my soul delights, my body too will rest secure,

10 for you will not abandon me to Sheol, you cannot allow your faithful servant to see the abyss.

11 You will teach me the path of life, unbounded joy in your presence, at your right hand delight for ever.

All The Chapters From The Books of Psalms