
Psalms – Chapter 84

Books of The Bible / Book of Psalms

1 [For the choirmaster On the . . . of Gath Of the sons of Korah Psalm] How lovely are your dwelling-places, Yahweh Sabaoth.

2 My whole being yearns and pines for Yahweh’s courts, My heart and my body cry out for joy to the living God.

3 Even the sparrow has found a home, the swallow a nest to place its young: your altars, Yahweh Sabaoth, my King and my God.

4 How blessed are those who live in your house; they shall praise you continually.

5 Blessed those who find their strength in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.

6 As they pass through the Valley of the Balsam, they make there a water-hole, and — a further blessing — early rain fills it.

7 They make their way from height to height, God shows himself to them in Zion.

8 Yahweh, God Sabaoth, hear my prayer, listen, God of Jacob.

9 God, our shield, look, and see the face of your anointed.

10 Better one day in your courts than a thousand at my own devices, to stand on the threshold of God’s house than to live in the tents of the wicked.

11 For Yahweh God is a rampart and shield, he gives grace and glory; Yahweh refuses nothing good to those whose life is blameless.

12 Yahweh Sabaoth, blessed is he who trusts in you.

All The Chapters From The Books of Psalms