
St Gertrude Prayer

Prayer Of St. Gertrude To The Sacred Heart

This prayer is thought to be originally prayed by St. Gertrude and adapted by St. Alphonse Liguori; he is considered the author because of its final formulation.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, living and life-giving fountain of eternal life, infinite treasury of the Divinity, and glowing furnace of love, Thou art my refuge and my sanctuary. O adorable and glorious Savior, consume my heart with that burning fire that ever inflames Thy Heart.

Pour down on my soul those graces that flow from Thy love. Let my heart be so united with Thine, that our wills may be one, and mine may in all things be conformed to Thine. May Thy will be the rule of both my desires and my actions.

Act Of Love To The Sacred Heart

How great, O my Jesus, is the extent of Thine excessive charity! Thou hast prepared for me, of Thy most precious Body and Blood, a divine banquet, where Thou givest me Thyself without reserve. What hath urged Thee to this excess of love? Nothing but Thine own most loving Heart.

O adorable Heart of my Jesus, furnace of Divine Love, receive my soul into the wound of Thy most Sacred Passion, that in this school of charity I may learn to make a return of love to that God Who hast given me such wonderful proofs of His love.

Devout Affections On The Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

It was revealed to St. Gertrude that reading and meditating on the Passion are far more useful and efficacious than all other spiritual exercises. As those who handle flour cannot avoid contracting some of the flour’s powdery substance, so no one, however imperfect his devotion may be, can occupy his mind with the Passion of Our Lord without receiving some benefit therefrom. And, however cold and lukewarm our devotion, Our Lord will look upon us with greater long-suffering and mercy if we never omit the memory of His Passion.

First Prayer

O Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal sweetness and jubilee of those who love Thee, remember all the presentiment of grief Thou didst endure from the moment of Thy conception, and especially at Thy entrance into Thy Passion, when Thou didst say: My soul is sorrowful even unto death; and when, by reason of Thy overwhelming dread and anguish and grief, Thou didst sweat, as it were, drops of Blood trickling down upon the ground. Remember all the bitterness of Thy sorrow when Thou wast seized upon by the Jews, accused by false witnesses, condemned by three judges, buffeted and smitten, spit upon, scourged, and crowned with thorns. O sweetest Jesus, I implore Thee, by all the sorrows and insults Thou didst endure, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Second Praye

O Jesus, paradise of the delights of God, remember now all the dread and sorrow Thou didst endure when Pilate pronounced on Thee sentence of death; when the godless soldiers laid the heavy Cross on Thy shoulders, and fastened Thee thereon with rude and blunted nails, cruelly stretching Thy sacred limbs so that all Thy bones could be numbered: I beseech Thee, vouchsafe to pronounce a merciful sentence on me in the day of judgment, and deliver me from all punishment. Amen.

Third Prayer

O Jesus, Heavenly Physician, remember now the languor and the pain Thou didst endure when lifted upon the Cross, when all Thy bones were out of joint, so that no sorrow was like to Thy sorrow, because, from the sole of Thy foot to the top of Thy head, there was no soundness in Thee; when, notwithstanding, Thou didst put away the feeling of all Thine own griefs, and pray to Thy Father for Thine enemies, saying: Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. By this, Thy charity and Thy mercy, grant that the dignity and worth of Thy Passion may be the entire remission of all my sins. Amen.

Fourth Prayer

O Jesus, mirror of the eternal splendor, remember now that sadness which filled Thy Heart when Thou didst behold in the mirror of Thy Divinity the reprobation of the wicked and the multitude of the lost; and by the depth of the compassion Thou didst show to the robber on the cross, saying: This day thou shalt be with Me in Paradise, I beseech Thee, O compassionate Jesus, show me Thy mercy in the hour of my death. Amen.

Fifth Prayer

O Jesus, King most beloved, remember now the mournful desolation of Thy Heart, when Thou, forsaken by all, wert mocked as Thou didst hang on the Cross; when Thou didst find none to comfort Thee but Thy beloved Mother, who stood by Thy Cross to the last, and whom Thou didst commend to Thy disciple, saying: Woman, behold thy son, and to the disciple: Behold thy Mother. I beseech Thee, O compassionate Jesus, by that sword of anguish which then pierced her Heart, do Thou condole with me and console me in all my tribulations. Amen.

Sixth Prayer

O Jesus, inexhaustible fountain of pity, remember now that bitterness which Thou didst endure when, Thy strength being exhausted and Thy sacred Body dried up, Thou didst feel that burning thirst, and hadst not one drop of water to cool Thy parched tongue, but only vinegar upon hyssop; I beseech Thee that Thou wouldst extinguish in me the thirst of carnal concupiscence and worldly delights. Amen.

Seventh Prayer

O Jesus, mighty King, remember now that when Thou wast plunged into the bitter waters of Thy Passion until they closed over Thy head, Thou wast forsaken not only by men, but by Thy Father also, and didst cry out with a loud voice, saying: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? By this Thine anguish and dereliction, I beseech Thee, forsake me not in my last agony. Amen.

Eighth Praye

O Jesus, strong Lion of the tribe of Juda, remember now the sorrow and the woe Thou didst endure, when all the forces of Thy Heart and of Thy Flesh failed Thee utterly, and Thou didst bow Thy Head and cry: It is consummated. By this Thine anguish and Thy woe, have mercy on me at the end of my life, when my soul shall be troubled, and my spirit disquieted within me. Amen.

Ninth Prayer

O Jesus, splendor of the Father’s glory and figure of His substance, remember now that earnest commendation with which Thou didst commend Thy Spirit to the Father, saying: Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit! and when, Thy most sacred Body being torn and Thy Heart broken, and all the bowels of Thy compassion laid bare for our Redemption, Thou didst give up Thy Spirit: I beseech Thee, by all that love which moved Thee, the Life of all that live, to submit to death, that Thou wouldst mortify and kill in my soul whatever is displeasing to Thee. Amen.

Tenth Prayer

O Jesus, true and fruitful Vine, remember now the lavish, the excessive profusion wherewith Thou didst shed Thy Precious Blood, when on the Cross Thou didst tread the winepress alone, and wast crushed as a cluster of ripe grapes; when Thou didst give us water and Blood from Thy pierced Side, so that not one drop remained in Thy Heart. Then wast Thou hung up as a bundle of myrrh, and Thy tender Flesh grew pale, and Thy moisture was all dried up within Thee, and the marrow of Thy bones consumed. By this Thy most bitter Passion, and by the shedding of Thy most Precious Blood, I beseech Thee, O most loving Jesus, wash my soul at the hour of my death with the water which flowed from Thy Sacred Side, and adorn it with comeliness in the Precious Blood of Thy sweetest heart, and render it acceptable in Thy sight in the fragrant odor of Thy Divine love. Amen.


Accept, O compassionate Jesus, this my prayer with that exceeding love wherewith Thou didst endure a bitter Death, and didst offer it, together with all the fruit of Thy most sacred Humanity, to God the Father on the day of Thine Ascension; and by the depth of those Wounds which scarred Thy Flesh and pierced Thy hands and feet and Heart, I beseech Thee, raise me up, who am steeped and sunk in sin, and render me well-pleasing to Thee in all things. Amen.

Guardian Angel Prayer

O most holy Angel of God, appointed by God to my Guardian, I give thee thanks for all the benefits which thou hast ever bestowed on me in body and soul. I praise and glorify thee that thou condescended to assist me with such patient fidelity, and to defend me against all the assaults of my enemy. Blessed be the hour in which thou were assigned me for my Guardian, my defender and my patron. In acknowledgment and return for all thy loving ministries to me, I offer thee the infinitely precious and noble Heart of Jesus, and firmly purpose to obey thee henceforward, and most faithfully to serve my God. Amen.

Saint Gertrude The Great Chaplet

Our Lord told St. Gertrude the Great that the following prayer would release 1,000 Souls from Purgatory each time it is said. The prayer was later extended to include living sinners as well.

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.

[In one Rosary or chaplet this prayer is said 50 times!]

Say this chaplet using regular Rosary beads.
Begin with the Apostles’ Creed, one Our Father, three Hail Marys and a Glory Be to the Father just as with Our Lady’s Rosary.

On the five decades, say the above Prayer for the Holy Souls on each Hail Mary bead and the Our Father on each separator bead between the decades.

Prayer To Free 1000 Souls From Purgatory: Promise Prayer

A Prayer Which Would Release 1,000 Souls From Purgatory Each Time It Is Said:

Our Lord told St. Gertrude the Great that the following prayer would release 1,000 Souls from Purgatory each time it is said. The prayer was later extended to include living sinners as well.

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.

Approval and Recommendation:
M. Cardinal Pahiarca at Lisbon, Portugal, March 4, 1936

The Two Flower Prayers Of St. Gertrude

“Hail, White Lily, of the ever-peaceful and glorious Trinity!
Hail, Vermilion Rose, the delight of Heaven, of whom the King of Heaven was born and by whose milk He was nourished! Do thou feed our souls with the effusions of your divine influences.”

“Hail! Vivifying Gem of Divine Nobility!
Hail, Most Loving Jesus, Unfading Flower of Human Dignity!
Thou art my Sovereign and only Good.”

A Most Tender And Efficacious Offering To The Blessed Virgin

O Sweetest Jesus, I beseech Thee, by the love which caused Thee to take flesh in the bosom of this most pure Virgin, that Thou wouldst supply for our defects in the service and honor of this most benign Mother who is ever ready to assist us, with maternal tenderness, in all our necessities. Offer to Thy beloved Mother, O amiable Jesus, the superabundant beatitude of Thy sweetest Heart. Show her Thy Divine predilection which chose her from all eternity, above all creatures, to be Thy Mother, adorning her with every grace and virtue. Remind her of all the tenderness which Thou didst manifest to her on earth, when she carried Thee on her bosom and nourished Thee with her milk. Recall to her Thy filial obedience to her in all things, and especially Thy care at the hour of Thy death, when Thou didst forget Thine own anguish to solace hers, and didst provide her with a faithful guardian. Remind her, also, of the joys and glory of her Assumption, when Thou didst exalt her above all the choirs of Angels and constitute her Queen of Heaven and earth. O good Jesus, make Thy Mother propitious to us, that she may be our advocate and protectress in life and in death. Amen.

Thanksgiving For Graces Bestowed On St. Gertrude

To implore favors through her merits:

God revealed to St. Gertrude that those who should thank Him for the graces bestowed upon her would participate in her merits, and would obtain their petition provided it were for their eternal welfare.

O most sweet Lord Jesus Christ, I praise, extol, and bless Thee, in union with that Heavenly praise which the Divine Persons of the Most Holy Trinity mutually render to each other, and which thence flows down upon Thy Sacred Humanity, upon the Blessed Virgin Mary and upon all the Angels and Saints. And I give Thee thanks for all the graces Thou didst lavish upon Thy beloved spouse, St. Gertrude. I thank Thee especially for that ineffable love wherewith Thou didst pre-elect her from all eternity, didst enrich her so highly, didst draw her so sweetly to Thyself by the strongest bonds of love, didst unite her so blissfully to Thyself, dwell with such delight in her heart, and crown her life with so blessed an end. I recall to Thee now, O most compassionate Jesus, the promise Thou didst make to Thy beloved spouse, that Thou wouldst most assuredly grant the prayers of all who come to Thee through her merits and intercession, in all matters concerning their salvation. I beseech Thee, by Thy most tender love, grant me the grace . . . [mention it] which I confidently expect. Amen.

Prayer Before Work

O Lord Jesus Christ, in union with Thy most perfect actions I commend to Thee this my work, to be directed according to Thy adorable will, for the salvation of all mankind. Amen.

Acts Of Praise In Honor The Most Blessed Trinity

I venerate and glorify Thee, O Most Blessed Trinity, in union with that ineffable glory with which God the Father, in His omnipotence, honors the Son and the Holy Spirit forever.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

I magnify and bless Thee, O Most Blessed Trinity, in union with that most reverent glory with which God the Son in His unsearchable wisdom, glorifies the Father and the Holy Spirit forever.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

I adore and extol Thee, O Most Blessed Trinity, in union with that most adequate and befitting glory with which the Holy Spirit, in His unsearchable goodness, extols the Father and the Son forever.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Offering Of Our Savior’s Life To The Eternal Father

O most loving Father, in atonement and satisfaction for all my sins, I offer Thee the whole Passion of Thy most beloved Son, from the plaintive wail He uttered when laid upon the straw in the manger, through all the helplessness of His infancy, the privations of His boyhood, the adversities of His youth, the sufferings of His manhood, until that hour when He bowed His head upon the Cross and with a loud cry gave up His Spirit. And, in atonement and satisfaction for all my negligences, I offer Thee, O most loving Father, the most holy life and conversation of Thy Son, most perfect in His every thought, word, and action, from the hour when He came down from His lofty throne to the Virgin’s womb, and thence came forth into our dreary wilderness, to the hour when He presented to Thy fatherly regard the glory of His conquering flesh. Amen.

Efficacious Prayer To St. Gertrude

I praise and greet thee, O most blessed Virgin, Gertrude, through the sweetest Heart of Jesus, thy Spouse; and through this Heart I magnify the goodness and condescension of the ever-adorable Trinity for all the grace which has ever flowed forth from that unfathomable abyss for thy salvation; beseeching thee by that mutual love which united thy pure heart to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, that thou wouldst look on me as commended to thy care in life and in death, and be my faithful advocate with God. Amen.

Salutation Of The Wounds Of Jesus

When St. Gertrude had recited this prayer 5,466 times, in honor of all the Wounds of our Lord Jesus, He appeared to her in vision, having on each Wound a rose flashing with a golden splendor, and greeted her tenderly, saying: “Behold, I will appear to thee, in this refulgent form at the hour of thy death, and I will cover all thy sins, and adorn thee with a glory, like that with which thou hast adorned My Wounds by thy salutations; and all who use this or any similar devotion shall receive the like favor.” In order to make up this number, and become a partaker of this promise of Christ, you may say the following prayer five times a day for three years, adding the oblation, which our Lord directed to Saint Mechtilde to repeat after each division of five.

“Glory be to Thee, most gracious, sweetest, most benign, sovereign, transcending, effulgent, and ever peaceful Trinity, for the roseate Wounds of Jesus Christ, my chosen and only love.”


(To be said after each five repetitions.)
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, accept this prayer, with that surpassing love, with which Thou didst endure all the Wounds of Thy most Holy Body. Have mercy on me, and on all sinners, and on all the Faithful, living and departed. Grant them grace and mercy, remission of sins and everlasting life. Amen.

Prayer To Jesus

(Our Lord promised St. Gertrude, that if anyone should praise God for her, and give Him thanks for the love wherewith He had chosen her from eternity, He would assuredly grant him whatever he asked, provided that it tended to his salvation.)

“O most compassionate Jesus, Giver of all good and all grace, may all that are in the round world, and the depth of the sea and the compass of Heaven, give thanks to Thee, and praise Thee with that infinite, everlasting, and unchanging praise, which floweth forth from Thee, and floweth back unceasingly upon Thee! again, for the exceeding love wherewith Thou didst shed into the heart and soul of Thy beloved Spouse Gertrude, so great a flood of graces, and of loving kindnesses, and didst reveal to the world the mysteries of Thy tender compassion through her, Thine Own chosen and peculiar instrument. Wherefore, from my inmost heart, I render Thee utmost thanks; and I beseech Thee, on behalf of all in Heaven, on earth or in Purgatory, through that ineffable Divine love, wherewith Thou didst from all eternity, elect to special grace Thy loving and most faithful servant, and didst in Thine own appointed time, draw her so sweetly to Thee, and unite her so intimately to Thyself, and dwell with such delight in her heart, and crown her life with an end so blessed, that Thou wouldst condescend graciously to hear and answer my petition. I recall to Thy mind now, O most Compassionate Jesus, the promise Thou didst make to Thy beloved spouse, in Thy great and superabounding goodness, that Thou wouldst most assuredly grant the prayers; of all who come to Thee, through her merits and intercession, in all matters concerning their salvation, binding Thyself, moreover, if Thou didst not at once grant their petition, to bestow on them threefold in Thine Own good time, from the omnipotence, the wisdom, and the tender kindness, of the Adorable Trinity. Calling thus to Thy mind, this, Thy faithful promise, I beseech Thee, leave me not desolate, but bestow on me the salutary effect of my petition. Amen.”