
The 7 Sacraments (The Holy Mysteries)

The 7 Sacraments are as follows:

Confirmation (Chrismation)
Penance (Confession, Reconciliation)
Holy Orders
Extreme Unction (Anointing of the Sick)

A Sacrament is a sacred and visible expression of God’s grace at work in our lives. It is an outward, physical sign—such as water, bread, wine, or the laying on of hands—that represents and conveys a deeper, invisible spiritual reality: the grace of God. Sacraments were established by Christ Himself during His earthly ministry and draw their transformative power directly from God. Through the saving work of Christ, each Sacrament becomes a channel of divine grace, nourishing the soul and strengthening the faithful in their journey toward holiness.

Here’s a breakdown of each of the Sacraments

SacramentMatterFormMinisterScriptural BasisEffectsFrequencySymbols
BaptismWater“I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”Priest (ordinarily); anyone in emergenciesMatthew 28:19Cleansing of original sin, incorporation into the Church, becoming a child of GodOnceWater, candle, white garment
ConfirmationChrism (olive oil and balsam)Anointing with chrism and the imposition of handsBishop (ordinarily) or priestActs 8:14-17Strengthening of faith, sealing with the Holy Spirit, full initiation into the ChurchOnceOil, laying on of hands
EucharistWheat bread and grape wine“This is My Body.” “This is the chalice of My Blood.”PriestLuke 22:19-20Nourishment of the soul, union with Christ, forgiveness of venial sinsDaily (recommended), at least yearlyBread, wine, altar
PenanceContrition“I absolve thee.”PriestJohn 20:22-23Forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God and the ChurchAs often as neededConfessional, stole
MatrimonyVows“I do” or “I will.”The coupleGenesis 2:24; Mark 10:9Unity and indissolubility of marriage, grace to live out the married vocationOnce, unless annulledRings, unity candle
Holy OrdersImposition of hands“Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty Father, to these Thy servants, the dignity of the Priesthood; renew the spirit of holiness within them, so that they may hold from Thee, O God, the office of the second rank in Thy service and by the example of their behavior afford a pattern of holy living.”BishopActs 6:5-6; 2 Timothy 1:6Indelible spiritual mark, grace to fulfill clerical dutiesOnce per degree (Deacon, Priest, Bishop)Laying on of hands, vestments
UnctionOil of the sick“Through this Holy Unction or oil, and through the great goodness of His mercy, may God pardon thee whatever sins thou hast committed by evil use of sight (sight, hearing, smell, taste and speech, touch, ability to walk).”PriestJames 5:14-15Strengthening in illness, forgiveness of sins, preparation for eternal lifeAs needed in serious illness or near deathOil of the sick