
Sunday of the Second Week of Lent – Day 12

Lord, let me be transfigured like Christ, let me be your disciple and teach me humility and compassion.


Lord, this Lenten season let me be transfigured. Take my life and make me your disciple. Let me learn from you by following your ways. Teach me humility, faith, and compassion. And should I fall short of your expectation Lord, please forgive me for in my heart I promise to try my best. I promise to forgive those who wrong me, just as you forgive me for my sins.


Sundays are an excellent day to rest and take stock of our journey. Today, I will try to find an hour for myself so I can sit quietly and meditate. I will visit the chapel, an outdoor space, or a quiet room. I will think about the path I am on and the path I prefer to walk. I will ask God to show me the changes I need to make. I will work hard to make a habit of those changes.

Next>> Day 13