
Saints Feast Days

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January – Saints Feast Days

SaintsFeast day date
St. BasilJanuary 2 [New] Traditional June 4
St. Gregory NazianzenJanuary 2nd
St. MarcariusJanuary 2nd
St. GenevieveJanuary 3rd
St. DafrosaJanuary 4th
St. Elizabeth Seton-January 4th
St. John NeumannJanuary 5th
St. TelesphorusJanuary 5th
Sts. Gaspar, Melchior and BalthasarJanuary 6th
Blessed Andre BessetteJanuary 6th
St. LucianJanuary 7th
St. AppolinarisJanuary 8th
St. Julian of AntiochJanuary 9th
St. Peter of SebasteJanuary 9th
Pope St Gregory XJanuary 10th
St. NicanorJanuary 10th
St. WilliamJanuary 10th
St. HyginusJanuary 11th
St. AelredJanuary 12th
St. Benedict BiscopJanuary 12th
St. Marguerite BourgeoysJanuary 12th
St. FelixJanuary 14th
St. Hilary of PoitiersJanuary 14th
St. MalachiasJanuary 14th
St. Paul the HermitJanuary 15th
St. Maurus, AbbotJanuary 15th
St. MarcellusJanuary 16th
The Five Franciscan ProtomartyrsJanuary 16th
St. SulpiceJanuary 17th
St. Anthony, AbbotJanuary 17th
St. PriscaJanuary 18th
Feast of the Chair of St. Peter of RomeJanuary 18th
Sts. Marius, Martha and Sons, MartyrsJanuary 19th
St. Canute, King and MartyrJanuary 19th
St. Fabian, MartyrJanuary 20th
St. Sebastian, MartyrJanuary 20th
St. Agnes, MartyrJanuary 21st
St. Anastasius, MartyrJanuary 22nd
St. Vincent of Saragozza, MartyrJanuary 22nd
St. EmerentianaJanuary 23rd
St. Raymond of PennafortJanuary 23rd
St. Emerentiana, MartyrJanuary 23rd
St. Tomothy, MartyrJanuary 24th
Coversion of St. PaulJanuary 25th
St. PaulaJanuary 26th
St. Polycarp, MartyrJanuary 26th
St. John ChrysostomJanuary 27th
St. Peter NolascoJanuary 28th
St. Thomas AquinasJanuary 28th
St. Agnes, MartyrJanuary 28th
St. Francis de SalesJanuary 29th
St. Martina, MartyrJanuary 30th
St. Mutien-Marie WiauxJanuary 30th
St. John BoscoJanuary 31st

February – Saints Feast Days

SaintsFeast day dates
St. Brigid of IrelandFebruary 1st
St. Ignatius of AntiochFebruary 1st
St. Cornelius the CenturianFebruary 2nd
St. BlaiseFebruary 3rd
St. Andrew CorsiniFebruary 4th
The 26 Martyrs of JapanFebruary 5th
St. ApolloniaFebruary 5th
St. AgathaFebruary 5th
St. DorothyFebruary 6th
St. TitusFebruary 6th
Bl. Pope Pius IXFebruary 7th
St. Romauld, AbbotFebruary 7th
St. Josephine BakhitaFebruary 8th
St. John of MathaFebruary 8th
St. Cyril of AlexandriaFebruary 9th
St. Miguel CorderoFebruary 9th
St. ScholasticaFebruary 10th
Seven Holy Founders of the ServitesFebruary 12th
St. AgabusFebruary 13th
St. Catherine d'RicciFebruary 13th
St. PolyeucteFebruary 13th
St. ValentineFebruary 14th
St. Claude de la ColumbiereFebruary 15th
Sts. Faustinus and JovitaFebruary 15th
St. OnesimusFebruary 16th
St. JulianFebruary 17th
St. Bernadette SoubirousFebruary 18th
Bl. Fra AngelicoFebruary 18th
St. SimeonFebruary 18th
St. GabinusFebruary 19th
St. OdranFebruary 19th
St. TyrannioFebruary 20th
Bl. Jacinta and Francisco MartoFebruary 20th
St. Leo the WonderworkerFebruary 20th
St. AmataFebruary 20th
St. Pter MavimenusFebruary 21st
St. Robert SouthwellFebruary 21st
St. Peter's ChairFebruary 22nd
St. Peter DamienFebruary 23rd
Vigil of St. Matthias, ApostleFebruary 23rd
St. Matthias, ApostleFebruary 24th
St. WalburgaFebruary 25th
Sts. Victor and ClaudianFebruary 25th
St. AlexanderFebruary 26th
St. PorphyryFebruary 26th
St. NestorFebruary 26th
St. Gabriel of Our Lady of SorrowsFebruary 27th
Pope St. HilaryFebruary 28th
Sts. Rimnus and LupicinusFebruary 28th

March – Saints Feast Days

SaintsFeast Day Dates
St. David's Day, Patron of WalesMarch 1st
St. Katherine DrexelMarch 1st
Bl. Charles the GoodMarch 2nd
St. ChadMarch 2nd
St. Cunegundes, EmpressMarch 3rd
Pope St. Lucius I, MartyrMarch 4th
St. Francis of AssisiMarch 4th
St. CasimirMarch 4th
St. John Joseph of the CrossMarch 5th
St. PhocasMarch 5th
St. FridolinMarch 6th
St. John of the CrossMarch 6th
Sts. Perpetua and FelicitasMarch 6th
St.ColetteMarch 6th
St. John of GodMarch 8th
St. Thomas AquinasMarch 8th
St. Frances of RomeMarch 9th
St. Dominic SavioMarch 9th
The 40 Holy Martyrs of SebastMarch 10th
St. EulogiusMarch 11th
St. John OgilivieMarch 11th
St. SophroniusMarch 11th
St. Nicholas OwenMarch 12th
St. Gregory the GreatMarch 12th
St. EuphrasiaMarch 13th
St. JosaphatMarch 13th
St. RodrigoMarch 13th
St. MatildisMarch 14th
St. MaudMarch 14th
St. Clement Hofbauer [Haufbauer]March 15th
St. LonginusMarch 15th
St. Louise de MarillacMarch 15th
St. Abraham the HermitMarch 16th
St. Joseph of ArimatheaMarch 17th
Saint Gertrude of NivellesMarch 17th
St. PatrickMarch 17th
St. Cyril of ConstantinopleMarch 17th
St. JosephMarch 19th
St. PhotinaMarch 20th
St. CuthbertMarch 20th
St. BenedictMarch 21st
St. Catherine of SwedenMarch 22nd
St. Gabriel the ArchangelMarch 24th
St. DismasMarch 25th
St. LudgerMarch 26th
St. John DamasceneMarch 27th
St. John of CapistranoMarch 28th
Sts. Jonas, Barachisius and CompanionsMarch 29th
St. Zozimus of Syracuse, BishopMarch 30th
St. John ClimacusMarch 30th
St. AcaciusMarch 31st

April – Saints Feast Days

SaintsFeast Day Dates
St. Hugh of GrenobleApril 1st
St. Francis of PaolaApril 2nd
St. Mary of EygptApril 2nd
St. Richard of ChichesterApril 3rd
St. Isadore of SevilleApril 4th
St. IreneApril 5th
St. Vincent FerrerApril 5th
St. Juliana of CornillonApril 6th
Bl. Herman JosephApril 7th
St. Julie BilliartApril 8th
St. Mary of CleophasApril 9th
St. EzechielApril 10th
St. Leo the GreatApril 11th
St. Gemma GalganiApril 11th
St. SabbasApril 12th
St. Hermenegild, MartyrApril 13th
Bl. IdaApril 13th
Bl. Margaret of CastelloApril 13th
St. Justin, MartyrApril 14th
Sts. Valerian, Tiburtius, and Maximus, MartyrsApril 14th
Sts. Basilissa and AnastasiaApril 15th
St. Benedict Joseph LabreApril 16th
Pope St. Anicetus, MartyrApril 17th
St. ApolloniusApril 18th
Pope St. Leo IXApril 19th
Bl. James DuckettApril 19th
St. Agnes of MontepulcianoApril 20th
Solemnity of St. JosephApril 21st
St. AnselmApril 21st
St. ConradApril 21st
Pope St. Caius, MartyrApril 22nd
Pope St. Soter, MartyrApril 22nd
St. George, MartyrApril 23rd
St. EuphrasiaApril 24th
St. Fidelis Sigmaringen, MartyrApril 24th
St. Mark the EvangelistApril 25th
Pope St. Cletus, MartyrApril 26th
Pope St. Marcellus, MartyrApril 26th
St. ZitaApril 27th
St. Peter CanisiusApril 27th
St. Paul of the CrossApril 28th
St. Louis Marie de MontfortApril 28th
St. Peter Verona, MartyrApril 29th
St. Hugh of ClunyApril 29th
St. Catherine of SienaApril 30th

May – Saints Feast Days

SaintsFeast Day Dates
St. Joseph the WorkerMay 1st
St. PeregrineMay 1st
Sts. Philip and James, ApostlesMay 1st
St. AthanasiusMay 2nd
Sts. Timothy and MauraMay 3rd
St. MonicaMay 4th
St. FlorianMay 4th
Bl. Ceferino MallaMay 4th
Pope St. Pius VMay 5th
St. Stanislaus of Cracow, MartyrMay 7th
Apparition of St. MichaelMay 8th
St. Gregory NazianzenMay 9th
St. AntoniusMay 10th
St. Damien of MolokaiMay 10th
Sts. Philip and James, ApostlesMay 11th
Bl. ImeldaMay 12th
Sts. Achilles, Nereus, Pancras, and Domitilla, MartyrsMay 12th
St. PancratiusMay 12th
St. Robert BellarmineMay 13th
St. BonifaceMay 14th
St. John Baptist de la SalleMay 15th
St. BrendanMay 16th
St. John NepomuceneMay 16th
St. Simon StockMay 16th
St. UbaldusMay 16th
St. Paschal BaylonMay 17th
St. EricMay 18th
St. Venantius, MartyrMay 18th
Pope St. Celestine VMay 19th
St. PudentianaMay 19th
St. Bernardine of SienaMay 20th
St. Andrew BobolaMay 21st
St. Eugened de MazenodMay 21st
St. Rita of CasciaMay 22nd
St. John Baptist de RossiMay 23rd
St. JoannaMay 24th
Pope St. Gregory VIIMay 25th
St. Madeleine Sophie BaratMay 25th
St. Philip NeriMay 26th
Pope St. Eleutherius, MartyrMay 27th
St. Bede the VenerableMay 27th
Pope St. John I, MartyrMay 27th
St. Bernard of MenthonMay 28th
St. Augustine of CanterburyMay 28th
St. Mary Magdalen de PazziMay 29th
St. Joan of ArcMay 30th
Pope St. Felix I, MartyrMay 30th

June – Saints Feast Days

SaintsFeast Day Dates
St. Angela MericiJune 1st
Sts. Peter, Erasmus, and Marcellinus, MartyrsJune 2nd
St. KevinJune 3rd
St. Clothilde, QueenJune 3rd
St. Francis CaraccioloJune 4th
St. Boniface, MartyrJune 5th
St. NorbertJune 6th
St. Philip, DeaconJune 6th
St. Robert of NewminsterJune 7th
Sts. Medard and GildardJune 8th
St. ColumkilleJune 9th
Sts. Primus and Felician, MartyrsJune 9th
St. Margaret of ScotlandJune 10th
St. Barnabas, ApostleJune 11th
St. John of St. Facundo [us]June 12th
Sts. Basilides, Cyprinus, Nabor, and Nazarius, MartyrsJune 12th
St. Anthony of PaduaJune 13th
St. Basil the GreatJune 14th
St. GermaineJune 15th
Sts. Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, MartyrsJune 15th
St. John Francis RegisJune 16th
St. BotolphJune 17th
St. RanierJune 17th
St. Gregory BarbarigoJune 17th
St. EphremJune 18th
Sts. Mark and Marcellianus, MartyrsJune 18th
St. Juliana FalconieriJune 19th
Sts. Gervase and ProtaseJune 19th
Pope St. Silverius, MartyrJune 20th
St. TerenceJune 21st
St. Aloysius GonzagaJune 21st
St. Paulinus of NolaJune 22nd
St. AudreyJune 23rd
Vigil of the Birth of St. John the BaptistJune 23rd
Birth of St. John the BaptistJune 24th
St. William, AbbotJune 25th
Sts. John and Paul, MartyrsJune 26th
Vigil of Sts. Peter and PaulJune 28th
St. Irenaeus, MartyrJune 28th
Sts. Peter and PaulJune 29th
Commemoration of St. PaulJune 30th
Seventeen Irish MartyrsJune 30th

July – Saints Feast Days

SaintsFeast Day Dates
Bl. Junipero SerraJuly 1st
Sts. Processus and Martinian, MartyrsJuly 2nd
Pope St. Leo IIJuly 3rd
St. IrenaeusJuly 3rd
St. TheodoreJuly 4th
St. Anthony May ZaccariaJuly 5th
St. John FisherJuly 6th
St. Thomas MoreJuly 6th
Sts. Cyril and MethodiusJuly 7th
St. Elizabeth of PortugalJuly 8th
St. Maria GorettiJuly 9th
Holy Seven Brothers with Sts. Rufina and Secunda, MartyrsJuly 10th
Pope St. Pius I, MartyrJuly 11th
St. Oliver PlunketJuly 11th
St. John GualbertJuly 12th
Sts. Nabor and Felix, MartyrsJuly 12th
St. Veronica of the VeilJuly 12th
Pope St. Anacletus, MartyrJuly 13th
St. MildredJuly 13th
St. Teresa of the AndesJuly 13th
St. BonaventureJuly 14th
St. Francis SolanoJuly 14th
Bl. Kateri TekakwithaJuly 14th
St. Henry II, EmperorJuly 15th
St. Alexis the BeggarJuly 17th
St. Symphorosa and Her Children, MartyrsJuly 18th
St. Camillus de LellisJuly 18th
St. Vincent de PaulJuly 19th
St. Jerome EmilianJuly 20th
St. Margaret of Antioch, MartyrJuly 20th
St. Laurence of BrindisiJuly 21st
St. PraxedesJuly 21st
St. Mary MagdalenJuly 22nd
St. Apollinaris of RavennaJuly 23rd
St. Liborius, MartyrsJuly 23rd
St. ChristinaJuly 24th
Vigil of St. James the Greater, ApostleJuly 25th
St. James the Greater, ApostleJuly 25th
St. ChristopherJuly 25th
St. AnneJuly 26th
St. Pantaleon, MartyrJuly 27th
Pope St. Celestine IJuly 27th
Sts. Nazarius and Celsus, Victor I, and Innocent I, MartyrsJuly 28th
St. MarthaJuly 29th
Sts. Felix II, Simplicius, Faustinus, BeatriceJuly 29th
Sts. Abdon and SennenJuly 30th
St. Ignatius of LoyolaJuly 31th

August – Saints Feast Days

SaintsFeast Day Dates
The Chains of St. PeterAugust 1st
St. Samona and Her Seven Sons [Holy Machabees]August 1st
St. Alphonsus LiguoriAugust 2nd
Pope St. Stephen I, MartyrAugust 2nd
The Finding of the Body of St. Stephen, First MartyrAugust 3rd
St. LydiaAugust 3rd
St. Peter Julian EymardAugust 3rd
St. DominicAugust 4th
Sts. Xystus, Felicissimus, AgapitusAugust 6th
St. CajetanAugust 7th
St. Donatus, MartyrAugust 7th
Sts. Cyriacus, Largus and SmaragdusAugust 8th
St. John Marie VianneyAugust 9th
St. Romanus, MartyrAugust 9th
Vigil of St. Lawrence, MartyrAugust 9th
St. Lawrence, MartyrAugust 10th
Sts. Tiburtius and SusannaAugust 11th
St. PhilomenaAugust 11th
St. ClareAugust 12th
St. John BerchmansAugust 13th
Sts. Hippolytus and CassianAugust 13th
St. EusebiusAugust 14th
St. Maxmillian KolbeAugust 14th
St.TarsiciusAugust 15th
St. RoccoAugust 16th
St. JoachimAugust 16th
St. HyacinthAugust 17th
St. HelenaAugust 18th
St. Agapitus, MartyrAugust 18th
St. John EudesAugust 19th
St. BernardAugust 20th
St. Jane Frances de ChantalAugust 21st
Sts. Timothy, Hippollytus, SymphorianAugust 22nd
St. Philip BeniziAugust 23rd
Vigil of St. Bartholomew, ApostleAugust 23rd
St. Bartholomew, ApostleAugust 24th
St. Louis, King of FranceAugust 25th
Pope St. Zephyrinus, MartyrAugust 26th
St. Joseph CalasanctiusAugust 27th
St. AugustineAugust 28th
St. Hermes, MartyrAugust 28th
Beheading of St. John the BaptistAugust 29th
St. Sabina, MartyrAugust 29th
St. Rose of LimaAugust 30th
Sts. Felix and Adauctus, MartyrsAugust 30th
St. Raymond NonnatusAugust 31st

September – Saints Feast Days

SaintsFeast Day Dates
St. AegidiusSeptember 1st
St. Anna, ProphetessSeptember 1st
St. Giles, AbbotSeptember 1st
The Holy Twelve Brothers, MartyrsSeptember 1st
St. Stephen, King of HungarySeptember 2nd
Pope St. Pius XSeptember 3rd
St. Rose of ViterboSeptember 4th
St. RosaliaSeptember 4th
St. Lawrence JustinianSeptember 5th
St. EleutheriusSeptember 6th
St. CloudSeptember 7th
St. ReginaSeptember 7th
St. Peter ClaverSeptember 9th
St. Gorgonius, MartyrSeptember 9th
St. PulcheriaSeptember 10th
St. Nicholas of TolentinoSeptember 10th
St. PaphnutiusSeptember 11th
St. John Gabriel PerboyreSeptember 11th
Sts. Protus and Hyacinth, MartyrsSeptember 11th
St. EulogiusSeptember 13th
St. Nicomedes, MartyrSeptember 15th
Pope St. Cornelius, MartyrSeptember 16th
St. Cyprian, MartyrSeptember 16th
Sts. Euphemia, Lucy, and Geminianus, MartyrsSeptember 16th
St. HildegardeSeptember 17th
Stgmata of St. Francis of AssisiSeptember 17th
St. Joseph CupertinoSeptember 18th
Bl. John MassiasSeptember 18th
St. Januarius and Companions, MartyrsSeptember 19th
St. Eustace and Companions, MartyrsSeptember 20th
Vigil of St. MatthewSeptember 20th
St. Matthew, ApostleSeptember 21st
St. Thomas of VillanovaSeptember 22nd
St. Maurice and the Theban Legion, MartyrsSeptember 22nd
St. TheclaSeptember 23rd
Pope St. Linus, MartyrSeptember 23rd
St. Padre PioSeptember 23rd
St. CleophasSeptember 25th
Bl. Herman the CrippleSeptember 25th
Sts. Cyprian and Justina, MartyrsSeptember 26th
Eight North American MartyrsSeptember 26th
Sts. Cosmas and Damian, MartyrsSeptember 27th
St. Wenceslaus, MartyrSeptember 28th
Dedication of St. Michael the ArchangelSeptember 29th
St. JeromeSeptember 30th

October – Saints Feast Days

SaintsFeast Day Dates
St. RemegiusOctober 1st
Holy Guardian AngelsOctober 2nd
St. Therese of LisieuxOctober 3rd
St. Francis of AssisiOctober 4th
St. Placidus and Companions, MartyrsOctober 5th
St. Faustina KowalskaOctober 5th
Bl. Raymond of CapuaOctober 5th
St. BrunoOctober 6th
Pope St. MarkOctober 7th
Sts. Sergius, Bacchus,Marcellus, and Apuleius, MartyrsOctober 7th
St. Bridget of SwedenOctober 8th
St. Denis [Dionysius], Rusticus, and Eleutherius, MartyrsOctober 9th
St. John LenardOctober 9th
St. Francis BorgiaOctober 10th
St. Edward King and ConfessorOctober 13th
St. GeraldOctober 13th
Pope St. Callistus, MartyrOctober 14th
St. Teresa of AvilaOctober 15th
St. HedwigOctober 16th
St. Gerard MajellaOctober 16th
St. Margaret Mary AlacoqueOctober 17th
St. Luke, EvangelistOctober 18th
St. Peter of AlcantaraOctober 19th
St. John CantiusOctober 20th
St. IreneOctober 20th
St. Hilarion, AbbotOctober 21st
St. Ursula and Companions, MartyrsOctober 21st
St. Mary SalomeOctober 22nd
St. Anthony Mary ClaretOctober 23rd
St. Ignatius of ConstantinopleOctober 23rd
St. Raphael the ArchangelOctober 24th
St. Isidore the FarmerOctober 25th
Sts. Crispin and Crispinian, MartyrsOctober 25th
Sts. Chrysanthus and Daria, MartyrsOctober 25th
Pope St. Evaristus, MartyrOctober 26th
St. FrumentiusOctober 27th
Vigil of Sts. Simon and Jude, ApostlesOctober 27th
Sts. Simon and Jude, ApostlesOctober 28th
St. NarcissusOctober 29th
St. Alphonsus RodriguezOctober 30th
St. WolfgangOctober 31st
Vigil of All SaintsOctober 31st

November – Saints Feast Days

SaintsFeast Day Dates
All SaintsNovember 1st
Holy Souls in PurgatoryNovember 2nd
St. MalachyNovember 3rd
St. Martin de PorresNovember 3rd
St. Charles BorromeoNovember 4th
Sts. Vitalis and Agricola, MartyrsNovember 4th
Sts. Zachary and ElizabethNovember 5th
St. Leonard of LimogesNovember 6th
St. Leonard ReresbyNovember 6th
St. WillibrordNovember 7th
St. ErnestNovember 7th
St. GeoffreyNovember 8th
Bl. Duns ScotusNovember 8th
Four Crowned MartyrsNovember 8th
St. Theodore, MartyrNovember 9th
St. Andrew AvellinoNovember 10th
Sts. Tryphon, Respicius, and Nympha, MartyrsNovember 10th
St. Martin of ToursNovember 11th
St. Mennas, MartyrNovember 11th
Pope St. Martin, MartyrNovember 12th
St. DidacusNovember 13th
St. Stanislaus KostkaNovember 13th
St. Frances X. CabriniNovember 13th
St. Josaphat, MartyrNovember 14th
St. Laurence O'TooleNovember 14th
St. Albert the GreatNovember 15th
St. Gertrude the GreatNovember 16th
St. Hugh of LincolnNovember 17th
St. Gregory the WomderworkerNovember 17th
St. Rose Philippine DuchesneNovember 17th
Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter and PaulNovember 18th
St. Romanus, MartyrNovember 18th
St. Elizabeth, Queen of HungaryNovember 19th
Pope St. Pontianus, MartyrNovember 19th
St. Felix of ValoisNovember 20th
Bl. Angeles and Sixteen Companions, MartyrsNovember 20th
St. Cecilia, MartyrNovember 22nd
Pope St. Clement, MartyrNovember 23rd
St. Miguel ProNovember 23rd
St. Felicitas, MartyrNovember 23rd
St. John of the CrossNovember 24th
St. Chrysogonus, MartyrNovember 24th
117 Martyrs of VietnamNovember 24th
St. Catherine of Alexandria, MartyrNovember 25th
St. Leonard of Port MauriceNovember 26th
St. Sylvester, AbbotNovember 26th
St. Peter of Alexandria, MartyrNovember 26th
Bl. Leonard KimuraNovember 27th
St. Joseph Mary PignatelliNovember 28th
St. SaturninusNovember 29th
Vigil of St. Andrew, ApostleNovember 29th
St. Andrew, ApostleNovember 30th
St. MauraNovember 30th

December – Saints Feast Days

SaintsFeast Day Dates
St. Edward Campion, MartyrDecember 1st
St. Bibiana [Vivian], MartyrDecember 2nd
St. Francis XavierDecember 3rd
St. Barbara, MartyrDecember 4th
St. Peter ChrysologusDecember 4th
St. Sabbas, AbbotDecember 5th
St. Nicholas of BariDecember 6th
St. AmbroseDecember 7th
St. Juan DiegoDecember 9th
St. LeocadiaDecember 9th
Pope St. Melchiades, MartyrDecember 10th
Pope St. DamasusDecember 11th
St. Lucy, MartyrDecember 13th
Sts. Nicasius, Eutropia and Companions, MartyrsDecember 14th
St. ChristianaDecember 15th
St. Eusebius, MartyrDecember 16th
St. AliceDecember 16th
Sts. Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, MartyrsDecember 16th
St. LazarusDecember 17th
Bl. Pope Urban VDecember 19th
St. Dominic of SilosDecember 20th
Vigil of St. Thomas, ApostleDecember 20th
St. Thomas, ApostleDecember 21st
St. ZenoDecember 22nd
St. FlavianDecember 22nd
St. Yvo of ChartresDecember 23rd
Sts. Adam and EveDecember 24th
St. Stephen, First MartyrDecember 26th
St. John the Evangelist, ApostleDecember 27th
The Holy InnocentsDecember 28th
St. Thomas Becket, MartyrDecember 29th
St. David, KingDecember 29th
St. SabinusDecember 30th
Pope St. SylvesterDecember 31st
St. Catherine LaboureDecember 31st